Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book Recommendation

I'm in the middle of a new book, actually the first book by author Jamie Ford, called Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.

Order it immediately from the library, or go buy it as soon as possible and start reading it! It will improve your tour. AND this may well be an anchor of our new FAMOUS SEATTLE tour for the summer (along with The Bachelor's houseboat - is he REALLY the new Sleepless in Seattle heartthrob?)

The story line is similar to Snow Falling on Cedar, and it will make a great movie some day soon.

Have you been to the Panama Hotel recently? Jamie will be there for a talk and book signing (and selling) on Tues., Feb. 10th. I have organized a Meetup group for this event and we'll be starting at 5 PM at the Golden City restaurant (just downhill, on Jackson). Join us!

This book brings forth so much from the war years in Seattle: internment, jazz, and ethnic conflicts. And if you get a chance to read the book first, be ready to be astounded by a particular structural detail in the Panama Hotel coffee and teahouse.


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