Saturday, July 31, 2010

2. Barry Barr - Locker jersey recipient 7/31/10

Barry Barr for his flexibility. Barry is one of several guides to always have season tickets for the Huskies football games and he will wear the Jake Locker jersey proudly. (He passed out Jake Locker handouts after we announced this program.) Barry does what needs to be done despite what he is scheduled for. Set for a City tour, he fluidly switches gears and dons his Boeing tour hat if the numbers require a second coach. Come in early, come in later, Barry provides a willing attitude and experience of many years (9+) as a Seattle Tours/Tours Northwest guide.

Jake Locker is known for his flexibility. Run, pass or all of the above. Tours Northwest took many visiting LSU fans on tours last year, and on the Sunday they expressed their awe and appreciation of the multiple skills of our magnificent quarterback.

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